Here's a little of what we've been up to lately!
Cici is now 15 months and just still a lil' thing! She is 18lbs and 30 inches, and just struggling to be in the 5th percentile! She is now running all over the place and is pretty steady on her feet, although we now have a daily bonking of the head or some other kind of injury from her quick mobility! She is able to try and say words now, although I'm pretty sure we are the only ones who can understand her jibberish and we love it! She is so funny and is starting to realize that she makes us laugh, so she try's harder. It's been fun going places with her in the last few months now that she is more active!
In March we went to Cali to see the Hunter cheerleaders do their thing at Nationals. They did good and had fun and it was a much needed vacation for us too! Cicily LOVED the beach and kind of liked Disneyland! All and all it was a great trip!

This is CiCi with on the beach. He' CiCi's first big crush. They had a ball in the sand. We're lucky that our little one doesn't care to eat it, but Tag thought it was the greatest thing in the world. glad we didn't half to deal with that.

She loved to run down to the water and then run away from the waves as they came in!

Is that swimsuit not the cutest thing ever!
That's my Dad photo bombing our pic! But it's okay Dad cuz your cute!
So strong!

The wonderful Tea Cups at Disneyland! We sat at this are for I swear a good two hours people watching. Seriously prob Colbs favorite part of Disneyland.

Loved the pool and water!
(Pretty funny because my sister was telling how she read somewhere how kids under the age of 7 were given a survey of what they liked best about Disneyland and 90%, or something like that, said the best part was the pool, (at the hotel!) So probably I agree with the fact that next time we bring a child to Disneyland it will at least be off of a napping schedule and able to go on most if not all of the rides!
At the end of April we ventured down to our annual trip to Moab! Which was slightly more active than last years trip when I was still way out of shape after giving birth just 2 months earlier! Even getting on a bike right then still didn't feel too good!
Delicate Arch
Last time Colby and I hiked this was on our 1st year anniversary, so it was fun to come back with a little package!

About to enter the Fiery Furnace! (After a couple of years, we finally remembered early enough to get a reservation for this sweet hike!) To bad it was sooo windy, we will definitely have to go back through this some day!
Skull Arch (it's upside down, can you see it?)
Hot tub fun, a lil' too cold to get in the pool! (nakey!!! with a lil' scab on her nose from an earlier fall, poor lil' monkey!) Hi dada!
Slick Rock! (didn't get to many pics on this ride! Which is a shame seeing as how it was the only one I got to go on while down there, due to food poising the last two days of our trip!!!! Super lame!!!!!!)
Cute pics of Cici walking around

Attempt at pigtails! (cute Easter Dress, thanks Linds!)
Traveling in the car is one of Cicily's pet peeves! She still hates being in the car, which is unfortunate since we have driven a lot in the past couple of months to and from SL and down to Moab. While I was asleep Colby, in desperation of already handing her everything else in the car to play with, gave her a Kleenex box and within 5 min. it looked like this!

Lola, who was close by her, was just a victim!

Also in April I ran the SL Half Marathon!
(This is me getting out of the car and literally starting my run! Colb dropped me off at the starting line right as the gun went off! The starting line is the bridge)

Linds and I after the race!

Me and cute baby girl on Easter morning, just chillaxing!

"it was Bella!"