Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Ick's & Blah's

Whoa!!, I think I am going to live! After two months of feeling like I was going to die I am hoping the worst is over! Although I still feel sick at night, I'll take that any day over all day sickness! I use to think I was pretty tough, however I haven't even been able to make it over to the computer and sit up right long enough to update our blog, so I guess.... not so tough after all! But I'm still very happy to have a lil' baby growin' inside me!

Here is where I've been the past two months!

And sometimes here!

This has been my view! (And constant companion!)

This is what has been keeping me going!

"The Nurse!" and "The Cheerleader!"

Cute Hubby! (pictured here with nurse!)
(These two also happen to be the head of the
Sympathy committee!......Very good at their jobs!)

Family and Friends who take Colby out and occupy his
"A-D-D-ness," while I can't! (And it seems once again Mikee,
Colb's bro has misplaced his shirt!......there in the first pic!)

"So You Think You Can Dance!"
Go Joshua! Your amazing and totally
deserve it!

And as of lately........

The 2008 Beijing Olympics! Yeah, we love the Olympics!
Especially the Gymnastics, Diving, and Swimming!
Good Job Ladies! You put up a great fight!

Well we are almost to the "fun" part of being prego, so I've been told! Which is finding out if it's a boy or girl and also feeling it move! We have about another month, so I let you know when we know!